
[ 字号: ] [ 关闭 ] 2012-06-02 20:29:30 作者:黄天瑜 浏览次数: 发表评论

关键词:ros制作 ros安装

ros5.16更新哪些内容呢,看一下,有哪些强大的功能.What's new in 5.17 (2012-May-28 12:34):
*) files - fixed problem when directories disappeared after reboot on usb or sd flash;
*) webfig - make QuickSet scan list work in Firefox v12;
*) webfig - fixed problem in QuickSet when changing country or channel-width in AP   mode would enable NV2 protocol;
*) webfig - fixed skins when hiding first tab may make other tabs inaccessible;
*) winbox - fixed packet raw data view in packet sniffer;
*) winbox - fixed problem when router could be DoS attacked through winbox port;
*) ports - add option "/port firmware ignore-directip-modem"    which will ignore modems ip interface    and modem's serial ports will be made accessible to users;
*) ipv6 pool - allow pools with prefix equal to prefix length;
*) ping times improved on Nv2 high data rate wireless links;
*) tool email - added starttls option;
*) snmp - allow multiple ip ranges for each community;
*) serial console - added channel support;
What's new in 5.16 (2012-May-09 17:23):
*) webfig - fixed problem when new item addition to status page in design skin mode   did not work;
*) add pw-type option for BGP VPLS;
*) fixed mac telnet - sometimes did not work if more than one mac level path    to destination;
*) user - fixed problem when adding new users from console it's password was not set;
*) reset packet mark when encapsulating/decapsulating from eoip,ipip,gre,eoipv6,ipipv6,gre6 tunnels
What's new in 5.15 (2012-Apr-20 13:11):
*) ssh - added option "/ip ssh always-allow-password-login" which will allow    password based login for users using public key;
*) snmp - moved disk oids shown in console from "/system resoure" to "/store disk";
*) certificate manager - added PKCS#8 support for key import;
*) lte - support for modems which utilize sierra_net driver with product ID 0x68a3,    serial interface is no longer accesable for those modems;
*) quickset - added AP mode;
*) smb - fixed authorization problems, shares should now be browsable;
*) dhcp client - revert NTP settings on dhcp client disable;
*) dhcp server - use DNS server from DHCP client (broken in v5.13);
*) sstp - made it working on Pentium 4 again;
*) added support for usb forwarding over tcp;
*) webfig - fixed uptime column in hotspot active users list (and other places as well) ;
*) webfig - hide design skin button if user does not have   sensitive & policy permissions;
*) webfig - do not allow to upload/download files   without write/read & ftp permisions;
*) webfig - fixed blank page when logout, undo, redo, hide-menu or safe-mode were hidden in skin,
*) winbox - show connection tracking max entries properly;
*) winbox - make interface name sorting more stable;
*) winbox - do not reset user password when changing it's properties;
*) rb1200 ether6,ether7,ether8 did not support big packets when linked at 10/100Mbps;
What's new in 5.14 (2012-Feb-22 12:04):
*) winbox - fixed problem when changing main winbox window size and some of the inner windows    become hidden;
*) backup - backup file creation failed if router identity name had / in it;
*) wireless - improved nv2 link stability to reduce control frame timeouts,    only AP requires update;
*) fixed rare configuration retention problems on RB1100AHx2;
*) certificate manager - fixed building certificate trust chain which caused    certificate validation problems for some programs (VPN, SSTP etc)    when downgrading from this version to older version please run    "/certificate reset-certificate-cache" to maintain correct trust chain;
What's new in 5.13 (2012-Feb-14 08:18):
*) firewall - to-address can be specified as ip address with mask in addition to    ip range;
*) traffic-generator - fix crash on multicore systems;
*) smb - fixes and improvements;
*) sstp - added RC4 cipher support to fix interoperability issues    introduced in MS KB2585542 security update. from now on RC4 is the    preferred cipher and AES will be used only if peer does not advertise RC4;
*) dhcp client - revert DNS settings on dhcp client disable;
*) quickset - country & channel-width can now be specified;
*) quickset - added support for configuring pppoe client on wireless interface;
*) bridge - fixed problem where arp reply-only or disabled mode didn't work and   disabled bridge interfaces didn't have X flag;
*) webfig - fixed problem where none of table entries were shown if table filter   was left to 'all';
*) webfig - show login page if autologin fails;
*) user manager - don't store backups in active store, always use path relative to /;What's new in 5.12 (2012-Jan-19 14:31):
*) console - allow to specify blank interval on x86 screens;*) console - changed 'password' command, now can be used from scripts and api;
*) winbox - reorganized window layout to match console better;
*) ssh - fixed interoperability problem with psftp based clients;
*) implemented simple SMB (windows file sharing) server;
*) fixed ovpn-client - client stopped working if it was enabled/disabled at wrong time;
*) fixed ipv6 - ipv6 neighbor discovery stopped working when   interface arp setting wasn't set to enabled;*) console - minor fixes and improvements;
*) console - added support for compact export;
*) hotspot - added login redirect through http status 302;
*) leds - added default configuration for R5SHPn wireless card;
*) ppp - fixed problem were remote-ipv6-prefix was not given to user if remote-ipv6-pool was    provided;
*) winbox, webfig - sort ethernet interfaces properly when more than 10 exist;
*) added QuickSet to RBSXT, RB411, RB711;
*) user manager - command to create and assign user profile from console;
*) added support for LTE modems (cdc ethernet type);
*) fix gre tunnels on x86 and other little endian machines;



上一页:破解win 7或XP密码快速准确


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